CC Chair at HiPEAC's Spring Computing Systems Week
Prof. Castrillon and Sven Karol organized a thematic session on "Program transformation and analysis approaches for future computing systems" at the Spring 2016 HiPEAC Computing Systems Week in the wonderful city of Porto. The session comprised three invited talks and one keynote. The keynote was given by Eric Verhulst (Altreonic) on a more industrial perspective on formal methods and interacting entities in the VirtuosoNext RTOS. Christophe Dubach from the University of Edinburgh presented the recent work of his group on "High performance GPU Code Generation using Rewrite Rules". Manuel Carro (IMDEA Software Institute) talked about "Program Transformations for Heterogeneous Architectures: the POLCA Project" describing recent results of the POLCA project. Sven Karol from the CC Chair gave a talk on "Using Rewritable Attribute Grammars for Semantic-Aware Code Transformations" which describes his very recent work on applying attribute grammars and rewriting in the domain of chemical information processing.