cfaed Seminar Series
Professor Ravi Prakash , Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Queen's University
Polymer Transistors and Printed Microelectronics: A new research program, and the Organic Semiconductor Laboratory at the ECE Department, Queen’s University
29.05.2017 (Monday)
, 11:30 - 12:15
Lecture Theatre , Würzburger Str. 46 , 01187 Dresden

The recent advancements in polymer based semiconductor materials, and the progress made towards their implementation through micro/nanofabrication techniques, have yielded exemplary outcomes in the domain of low-cost, flexible sensors and actuators. Several copolymer materials with semiconductor and photoconductor properties are commercially available. Such materials have so far been leveraged in producing optical displays, such as polymer light-emitting diodes, flexible electronic displays and liquid crystals, to name a few.
The choice of carbon-based semiconductor materials has opened several possibilities for development of integrated circuit topologies using organic transistor devices, patterned at room temperature and printed on flexible surfaces for potential large area and low-cost applications. Several research programs are focused on improving the reliability and performance of the organic transistor, and create a long-term development path similar to the silicon-based microelectronics. At the organic semiconductor laboratory (OSL) in ECE department, this is one of the fundamental ambition of my research team.
The program is also looking to implement organic semiconductors and composite polymer materials for target applications in several domains including chemical, biological and environmental sensing. This will lead to design of wearable devices with ambition intelligence for health monitoring applications. Another ambition is to develop disposable biosensors and bioelectronic actuators for applications such as minimally invasive implants, programmable drug delivery systems, and food, water inspection and environmental monitoring.
I will present key highlights from my recent NSERC postdoctoral fellowship project, in the domain of chip based molecular diagnostics and disposable sample-to-answer micro-devices. I will furthermore share information about my current research program and the newly established OSL at Queen’s. Our over-arching goal is to utilize the versatility of copolymer semiconductor materials in several targeted application areas including low-cost bioassays for point-of-care, chip based diagnostics, wearable devices, flexible microelectronic devices and field-deployable environmental health monitoring systems.
This will also be an opportunity to reflect upon potential international collaboration opportunities between cfaed and OSL, and share strategic research interest to pursue.
Ravi Prakash completed his PhD in 2013, at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Calgary. His doctoral thesis contributed to overcoming key challenges in the domain of electrostatics, lab-on-chip and electro-fluidic actuation for target biosciences and biochemical applications.
After his PhD, Ravi has received two postdoctoral fellowship awards, from Mitacs (2013) and NSERC Canada (2014). In his NSERC fellowship (2015-16), Ravi participated in a multidisciplinary research program between ProvLab Calgary and the University of Calgary. The project focused on utilizing cost-effective copolymer materials, electro-chemical methods and micro/nanotechnology fabrication techniques to design low-cost sample-to-answer microsystems for detection of infectious pathogens in human specimens. The chip diagnostic technology was extensively validated at the Provincial Laboratory for Public Health of Alberta, Calgary.
Ravi joined the ECE Department in January 2017 and he has established the ‘Organic Semiconductor Laboratory (OSL)’ in the department. Since becoming a member of Queen’s research community, Ravi has actively networked and reached out to potential collaborators at Queen’s, across Ontario and across Canada. He has identified a strong cluster of researchers, and industrial partners who have shown willingness to support such research initiatives.
His career accomplishments include 13 peer-reviewed journal publications, over 15 conference publications and 2 patents.