Congratulations: Second funding period for SFB 1415 Chemistry of Synthetic 2D Materials (Prof Xinliang Feng)
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Triple success for the TU Dresden: The DFG awards millions in funding for Collaborative Research Centers at TUD. One of them is the Collaborative Research Center 1415 "Chemistry of Synthetic Two-Dimensional Materials" which will be granted to start the second funding period.
CRC 1415 is dedicated to the controlled "bottom-up" synthesis and development of novel synthetic two-dimensional materials (2DM) with high structural precision. In view of a multitude of technological developments such as energy applications, electronics and biotechnology, our society is more dependent than ever on advanced materials. Two-dimensional materials are particularly promising in this context due to their properties. In the second funding phase now starting, the scientific focus of CRC 1415 will be on understanding and adapting the functional properties of synthetic 2DM. It will also investigate how these properties develop in 2D heterostructures. The aim is to develop novel synthetic 2D materials that can be used as unique materials of tomorrow for applications in electronics, sensor technology and much more.
7.7 million euros have been applied for the second funding period of the SFB 1415. The spokesperson for the research network is Prof. Xinliang Feng, Chair of Molecular Functional Materials at the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry at TU Dresden. In addition to TU Dresden, TU Munich, the University of Ulm, the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden are also involved.
The complete press release SFB 1415 "Chemistry of Synthetic 2D Materials"
Pressemitteilung des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus