INSPIRE Grant Report by PhD Student Himani Arora - Columbia University, New York, USA
INSPIRed by the Two-Dimensional World
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The nano-fabrication lab at the Columbia University
Two-dimensional materials have gained enormous attention in the last decade due to their potential in carrying forward the Moore’s Law. The group of Prof. James Hone at Columbia University in the City of New York is one of the leading research groups of the world in the area of 2D materials, publishing many high-impact scientific papers and patents every year.
With TU Dresden entering the 2D materials’ research and cfaed’s new 2.5 Path, I was awarded an Inspire Grant to partly support my research stay at Prof. Hone’s group from February to September 2017. During my stay, I learnt several aspects and state-of-the-art status of 2D materials and their applications in the real world. Using their novel contacting schemes, I could achieve InSe-based transistors which showed better performance and much higher reliability, making it very promising material for future device development. Such highly equipped laboratories in combination with subject expertise cannot be found at many institutes in the world, and thus, my stay and research at Columbia University was highly productive and successful.
It was my first time in the USA and, New York City at first was very overwhelming. Although, with time I could appreciate the city to the fullest, attending some of the classic Broadway shows to the great night life NYC offers. I encountered people from different genres of life and experienced some of the best gourmet food. I, thus, am thankful to Inspire Grant for supporting my research stay and letting me be a part of a very progressive research environment alongside experiencing life in the Big Apple.