INSPIRE Grant Report by PhD Student Doreen Beyer - University of California, Berkeley, USA
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Ph.D. candidate Doreen Beyer, Chair for Molecular Functional Materials, Prof. Xinliang Feng, was awarded a cfaed INSPIRE Grant within the 2017 call. Together with the Graduate Academy Dresden her temporary stay at the Univerisity of California Berkeley was funded from September 04th 2017 to October 20th 2017.
For a lively and academic interdisciplinary exchange she joined the working group of Prof. Jeffrey Bokor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, which has excellent expertise in nanotechnology and electronic device physics. During her short-term research stay abroad she was involved into the field of nanoelectronics, in particular employing fabrication protocols and intrinsic electrical characterization of novel graphene nanoribbon-based field effect transistors (GNR FETs). Gaining experience in such innovative research field was highly recommended because her Ph.D. studies are dedicated to the design and bottom-up synthesis of nanographenes and heteroatom doped graphene nanoribbons with novel edge structures for potential future application in organic electronics. Beside an intense knowledge transfer via practical modules and diverse meetings the received personal support and the positive group dynamic had contribute to an inspiring visit. Consequently, her activities yielded a pleased progress in joint research projects and had strengthened the collaboration between both groups.