INSPIRE Grant Report by PhD Student Nara Shin - Stanford University, USA
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Our PhD student Nara Shin (Prof. Mannsfeld’s group) won the cfaed INSPIRE Grant and had the opportunity to visit Stanford University in this summer season. Now she would like to share her experience and impressions with us.
Please read below Nara's report about her stay at Standford University.
During the summer season when I visited at Stanford University, the weather was always great and a sunny sky seemed to make people feel great. People are generally friendly and look relaxed. With these nice weather and people, the overall life there was pretty good for me.
Stanford University is one of the most well-known University for leading researches in various fields. Salleo group which I visited at Stanford University is specialized in a variety of chemical and electrical characterizations for organic semiconductors. Especially they have the similar research experiences with my research topic of surface doping on organic semiconductors. Furthermore, my supervisor and Dr. Mike in our lab have collaborated with this group before.
First, I had the chances to visit and measure the X-ray diffraction by myself in the beam line of 11-3 and 2-1 at SSRL in SLAC with help of Camila in Salleo group in May and July. It was the first visit in an accelerator laboratory in my life and even SSRL is one of the best accelerator laboratories which takes advantage of the high-intensity synchrotron radiation. In addition, I can access and measure XPS, IR, PL, Raman etc. by myself at SNSF (Stanford Nano Shared Facilities) which provides expert staffs and varied research instruments.
From the results, I could confirm the relation between the electrical performance and the spectroscopic properties and the crystal structure of organic films after doping. All the group members are willing to help me with everything and we visited Prof. Salleo's house and enjoyed his real Italian food and games.
I am looking forward to continuing the collaboration with Salleo group and our group. Besides, this research stay allows me to broaden my international network with other group members as well. As well as the research experiences, I could have learned how other researchers from other groups and countries collaborate with each other and experienced valuable things personally with this three month-stay in another country. I hope and believe that many students could also have this kind of chance to widen their view and raise their research capability in the future.
About INSPIRE Grant
The cfaed INSPIRE Grants aim at supporting a lively scientific exchange by facilitating research stays in collaborating institutions abroad. This program is designed for our cfaed PhDs, Postdocs, RGLs and matching funds who may benefit from their research stay both by gaining and/or fostering international research experience but also by getting inspirations for new research approaches and topics. Furthermore, not only the awardee but also the cfaed as a cluster itself can benefit by enhancing our visibility throughout the international science community.
All information, program details and forms can be requested by sending an email to
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