
cfaed researchers aimed straight from the beginning of the funding period for breakthroughs in their research paths. The natural scientists and engineers influenced electronics with high-impact results (e.g., reconfigurable field-effect transistors, ferro-electric hafnium oxide).

Selected results:


Our challenging approach has helped, according to former SAB member Prof. Calderbank, to “put Dresden on the map of fundamental microelectronics research”. It also developed into a catalyst for further activities in Dresden as shown below.

cfaed researchers also initiated entire new research fields such as two-dimensional (2D) conjugated polymers, and the Tactile Internet, catalyzing also a new Cluster of Excellence CeTI at TU Dresden. cfaed helped to bundle, focus and boost the fundamental research activities of TU Dresden and its DRESDEN-concept partners on micro-/nano-electronics and advanced ICT.

One very important result of cfaed is thus that it has led to the creation of structures and collaborations in which our researchers developed a joint understanding and more effective ways of communication. As a result, cfaed served as a catalyst for several new coordinated programs (CRC1415, RTG2767, ESF groups, several DFG/BMBF projects; refer to projects and individual group web sites).

Continuing to follow our approach to investigate multiple technology options across all layers of ICT systems we are currently striving to develop cfaed as “Technology Incubator“ to systematically initiate new ideas for future electronics.