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Prof. Xinliang Feng , TU Dresden, cfaed Chair for Molecular Functional Materials
cfaed INAUGURAL - PROF. XINLIANG FENG: "Graphene and 2D Materials: New Opportunities for Chemical Synthesis and Applications in Electronics and Energy Technology"
11.12.2014 (Thursday)
, 17:00 - 18:30
TU Dresden, Chemistry Building, lecture theatre CHE 091 , Bergstrasse 66 , 01069 Dresden

We are proud to invite you to attend Professor Xinliang Feng’s inaugural lecture!
The lecture will be followed by a small informal reception, where light refreshments will be served.
In the past decade, the discovery of graphene has triggered widespread interest in two-dimensional (2D) materials for scientists in physics, chemistry, materials science, and related areas, not only because their unique 2D topographical morphology, but also because their intriguing physical properties not accessible by the three-dimensional (3D) bulk materials. Although the top-down mechanical exfoliation represents the major strategy to isolate single atomic layer of graphene, its poorly defined structure and edge periphery hamper the control over the electronic properties. The future research and application of graphene and 2D materials urgently calls for the efficient chemical synthesis and processing.
In this lecture, top-down solution exfoliation of high-quality graphenes is firstly presented which relies on smart processing of graphitic materials at the different thickness level under electrochemical control. To open up the band gap of graphene, a lateral confinement must be introduced, therefore, a bottom-up synthetic route will be demonstrated which offers well-defined nanographenes and graphene nanoribbons with tailor-made properties at the molecular level. This synthetic strategy is based upon the cyclodehydrogenation (“graphitization”) of well-defined dendritic (3D) polyphenylene precursors with different topologies, either by solution- or surface-mediated synthesis. We will further show the rational assembly of graphene sheets offering the fabrication of carbon and related hybrid materials with different complexities ranging from 1D, 2D to 3D architectures. Finally, we will present some prominent applications with using these graphene materials as well as their nanohybrids across the fields of organic electronics, transparent electrode, fuel cells, supercapacitors and micro-supercapacitors as well as batteries. The vision of other 2D materials, such as metal chalcogenide, metal oxide, boron nitride, 2D polymer, etc, will be provided, for which the controlled synthesis remains an enormous challenge.
Xinliang Feng received his Master’s degree in organic chemistry in 2004. He then joined Prof. Klaus Müllen’s group at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research for PhD thesis, where he obtained his PhD in April 2008. In December 2007, he was appointed as a group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, and then became a distinguished group leader. In 2011, he was appointed as a distinguished professor at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University and as the director for the Institute of Advanced Organic Materials. Since August 2014 he leads the Chair for Molecular Functional Materials in the chemistry department of TU Dresden and the Cluster of Excellence ‘Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden’.
See location at TUD Campus Navigator: https://navigator.tu-dresden.de/etplan/che/00/raum/126600.0480
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