Upcoming Events
Prof. Dr. Robert Metzger , Dept. Chemistry, U Alabama, former Mercator Professor at TU Dresden
Nanoscience: A personal perspective
21.08.2017 (Monday) - 23.08.2017 (Wednesday)
, 09:00 - 13:00
HAL , Hallwachsstr. 3 , 01069 Dresden
We would like to invite you to the NanoNet block course on "Nanoscience: A personal perspective" by Prof. Dr. Robert Metzger.
Topics will be:
1) What is nano? Why nano? What is it good for?
2) Physics and chemistry of nanoscience; instruments and tools,
3) Electronics, Moore’s “law”, and thermodynamics: any way out?
4) Organics, inorganics, polymers: design and realities
5) Molecular and unimolecular electronics: the details
6) Nano-engineered materials and nanomedicine.
More info about the agenda and the schedule here: https://www.hzdr.de/db/Cms?pOId=51834.
The lecture is open to all interested. Please forward the info to interested students and scientists. If you plan to attend, just drop a notice to: nanonet@hzdr.de.
We look forward to welcoming you.