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Ronja Thümmler was elected as new PhD representative at the RTG 2767 summer school. Borja Rodriguez-Barea was confirmed as PhD representative. At this point we would like to thank Nadja Metzkow for her great work. The PhD representatives are full members of the board of the Research Training Group and thus have a right to vote on all decisions of the group. They also coordinate the student organization of teaching content and social media activities. We congratulate Ronja and Borja on their election and look forward to further collaboration!

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Group photo of RTG 2767 members at the 2023 summer school

The second summer school of the RTG 2767 took place at Wasserschloss Klaffenbach from June 26 to 29, 2023. Here, the team of PhD students elected the new PhD representatives and attended a lecture series on particulate processing concepts for optoelectronics, photovoltaics and sensing devices. The program was complemented by a guest lecture by Prof. Wolfgang Parak (University Hamburg) and a fireside evening with a guest from industry.

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picture shows the wall of a modern building with the lettering 'Kurt-Schwabe-Institut für Mess- und Sensortechnik Meinsberg e.V.'
Building detail of the Kurt Schwabe Institute for Measurement and Sensor Technology Meinsberg (KSI Meinsberg)

We are happy to announce that one of our RTG's cooperating institutions has become a member of the DRESDEN-concept research alliance: The Kurt-Schwabe-Institut für Mess- und Sensortechnik Meinsberg e.V. (Kurt Schwabe Institute for Measurement and Sensor Technology Meinsberg - KSI Meinsberg) joined the alliance in the last quarter of 2022.

The DRESDEN-concept research alliance has taken on three new members in one go. In addition to the KSI, NaMLab and the Institute for Saxon History and Folklore (ISGV) became new members. The alliance now boasts 36 partner institutions, which are working together to develop the research hub in Dresden into a DRESDEN-concept Science and Innovation Campus.

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portrait photo of physicist dr. Larysa Baraban in the laboratory
Physicist Dr. Larysa Baraban is awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant. ©Copyright: HZDR / A. Wirsig

Congratulations to RTG 2767 PI Dr. Larysa Baraban!

Press release from Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), 19 Oct 2022

Approximately thirty thousand people die every day from cancer worldwide. What is known as “immunotherapy” is increasingly becoming the scientific focus in the fight against the disease. Together with her team, Dr. Larysa Baraban, physicist at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) is researching a chip that should ultimately make it possible to develop customized cancer immunotherapies. Her efforts are funded by the European Research Council (ERC) for five years through an ERC Consolidator Grant totaling nearly two million euros.

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professor Nicholas A. Kotov while lecturing at TU Dresden, RTG 2767
Professor Nicholas A. Kotov while lecturing at TU Dresden, RTG 2767. Photo: cfaed

Nicholas A. Kotov, Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Michigan (USA), visited the Research Training Group 2767 "Supracolloidal Structures: From Materials to Optical and Electronic Devices" at Technische Universität Dresden this week as a Mercator Fellow. During his visit, Prof. Kotov had an intensive exchange with the scientists of the GRK and gave a talk on "Data-Rich Spectroscopies of Chiral Nanostructures: From Giant Circular Dichroism to Chiral Phonons".

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portrait photo of the RTG 2767 representatives Nadia Metzkow and Borja Rodriguez-Barea
RTG 2767 representatives Nadia Metzkow and Borja Rodriguez-Barea

Nadia Metzkow and Borja Rodriguez-Barea were elected as PhD representatives of RTG 2767 at the RTG summer school. The PhD representatives are full members of the RTG's board and thus have a vote on all decisions of the RTG. They as well coordinate the student's organization of teaching content and social media activities. We congratulate Nadia and Borja on the election and look forward to fruitful cooperation!

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Group of people standing in front of a building, photo of RTG 2767 fellows and principal investigators at the 2022 summer school
Group photo of RTG 2767 fellows and principal investigators at the 2022 summer school

The first summer school of RTG 2767 took place in the Schlosshotel Lichtenwalde on 21st/22nd of July. The full team of PhD candidates had a successful kickoff of the projects, and elected the PhD spokespersons. After a team building event moderated by Stefanie Rohac, our mercator fellows Paul Mulvaney (University Melbourne) and Erin Rathcliffe (University Arizona) contributed impulse lectures on modern trends in particle pattern formation at interfaces and characterization of electronic structure of advanced materials. We were as well glad to host the coordinator of RTG 2356 Andreas Kölditz who gave an overview of our partner RTG "Nanohybrid" at Uni Hamburg.

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group photo of the fellows from research training group 2767. the people are standing in front of a modern building which is the KSI institute.
Fellows of the RTG 2767 in front of the KSI Meinsberg Institute. Left: Dr. Caroline Murawski, RTG Principal Investigator and leader of the Organophotonic Sensing Group.

We took a little trip to the center of Saxony. There is the Kurt-Schwabe-Institut für Mess- und Sensortechnik Meinsberg e.V., which is led by our Principal Investigator Prof. Michael Mertig. In addition, Dr. Caroline Murawski (also PI in GRK 2767) leads her research group "Organophotonic Sensing" there. We listened to the lecture "Dynamical methods in biosensing - organic electronics" and had the chance to visit all the institute.

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An international team of researchers has demonstrated a technique that allows them to align gold nanorods using magnetic fields, while preserving the underlying optical properties of the gold nanorods.

Published on in RTG 2767 NEWS

The first paper with our RTG 2767 in the acknowledgements is published. Please check the details here.

Fabrication of High Aspect Ratio Gold Nanowires within the Microtubule Lumen

Foram M. Joshi, Gonzalo Alvarez Viar, Gaia Pigino, Hauke Drechsler*, and Stefan Diez*
Nano Lett. 2022, 22, 9, 3659–3667
Publication Date: April 21, 2022
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c00255