cfaed Groups (Full Members)

The excellent scientific track record of Technische Universität Dresden and its partners has brought cfaed into the position to tackle extraordinary research challenge in the fields of microelectronics.

Reflecting the interdisciplinary research approach, our members and associate members comprise investigators from a variety of fields (Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology).

Electrical engineering

Prof. Stefan Mannsfeld

Prof. Dr. Stefan Mannsfeld

Organic Devices
TU Dresden

TU Dresden

Dr. Sascha Hermann

Dr. Sascha Hermann

Carbon Nano Devices
TU Chemnitz

TU Chemnitz
Dr. Robert Kirchner

Dr. Robert Kirchner

Mesoscopic 3D Systems
TU Dresden

TU Dresden

Computer science

Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon

Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon

Compiler Construction
TU Dresden

TU Dresden
Prof. Markus Krötzsch

Prof. Markus Krötzsch

Knowledge-based Systems
TU Dresden

TU Dresden


Prof. Xinliang Feng

Prof. Xinliang Feng

Molecular Functional Materials
TU Dresden / Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Halle

TU Dresden


Prof. Yana Vaynzof

Prof. Yana Vaynzof

Emerging Electronic Technologies
TU Dresden

TU Dresden
Prof. Marc Timme

Prof. Marc Timme

Network Dynamics
TU Dresden

TU Dresden
Dr. Francesca Moresco

Dr. Francesca Moresco

Single Molecule Machines
TU Dresden

TU Dresden

Materials science

Dr. Bernd Rellinghaus

Dr. Bernd Rellinghaus

Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis
TU Dresden

TU Dresden

Former Research Group Leaders

Current position/affiliation

Former cfaed group

Dr. Fabian Paulus

Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden

Group Leader Sustainable Materials

Transport in Hybrid Materials

Prof. Benjamin Friedrich

Cluster of Excellence 'Physics of Life'

Group Leader Biological Algorithms: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Cells and Tissues

Biological Algorithms

Prof. Marco Zimmerling

Department of Computer Science at TU Darmstadt

Group Leader Networked Embedded Systems Lab

Networked Embedded Systems

Prof. Dr. Frank Ortmann

Chair for Theoretical Methods in Spectroscopy

Computational Nanoelectronics

Prof. Dr. Walter Weber

Chair for Nanoelectronics at TU Wien, Austria

Nanowire Research Group

Prof. Dr. Thorsten-Lars Schmidt

Assistant Professor at Kent State University, Ohio, USA

DNA Chemistry

Dr. Martin Claus

Infineon Technologies

Device Modeling for Emerging Electronics

Prof. Dr. Pramod Bhatotia

TU Munich, Professorship Engineering Software for Decentralized Systems

Parallel and Distributed Systems

Associate Professor Dr.-Ing. Marcus Völp

Université du Luxembourg, SnT - Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust / Personal Page

Microkernel-Based Systems for Heterogeneous Architectures

Associate Professor Haralampos Hatzikirou

Associate Professor for Mathematical Biology, Department of Mathematics, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Multiscale Modeling of Multicellular Systems

Dr. Martin Elstner

Expert Cheminformatics at Covestro

Chemical Information Processing