Published on Wed, 14 Aug 2024 in NEWS
The DCN invites for a talk by Dr. Magnus Garbrecht (University of Sydney). He will speak about Nitride multilayer thin films in the aberration-corrected TEM: Diffusion and phase transitions. Please find the abstract here.
Date: 20.08.2024Time: 11:00 Location: TU Dresden, Room BAR E64A (
Published on Tue, 13 Aug 2024 in NEWS
The Single Molecule Machines Research Group offers a position as
starting as soon as possible. The position is limited until March 31, 2026 with the option of extension.
What will you do?
The successful candidate will use scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and non-contact atomic force microscopy (AFM) at low and variable temperatures to experimentally study the mechanical and electronic properties of single molecules on a supporting surface. In the frame of the European Pathfinder Open project ESiM ( the successful candidate will investigate intramolecular properties like rotations or conformational changes for future applications in energy storage. On-surface synthesis will be used to obtain new molecular species or to form larger nanostructures by local chemical reactions.
Closing date: August 20, 2024
Please see the full job opening here:
Published on Tue, 02 Jul 2024 in PRESS RELEASES
[Deutsche Version unter read more]
Public transport systems vary widely around the world. Developed countries in the Global North usually have centrally-planned public transport systems with fixed routes and timetables. In contrast, in the developing countries of the Global South, making up more than 80 % of the world's population, public transportation is mostly provided by informal transport services featuring ad hoc routes, e.g. in the form of privately organized minibus services. Due to their seemingly chaotic operation, such informal transport services are often considered as inefficient from an outside perspective. Due to a lack of data a systematic comparison was not possible so far.
In a new scientific paper recently published in Nature Communications, Kush Mohan Mittal, Marc Timme and Malte Schröder from the Chair of Network Dynamics at TU Dresden analyze and compare the structural efficiency of more than 7,000 formal and informal bus lines across 36 cities and 22 countries. One of the central, surprising findings is that the routes of informal transport self-organize in a way that reaches or even exceeds the efficiency level of centralized services.
Read more … Evidently Efficient: Self-organization of Informal Bus Lines in the Global South
Published on Wed, 19 Jun 2024 in NEWS
Please join us welcoming Dr Tim Erdmann, one of the first generation cfaed alumni, now working with IBM Research in San Jose! He will talk about ChemChat.
In recent years, advancements in computational chemistry and machine learning have produced sophisticated tools and AI models, but their potential is underutilized due to complexity and accessibility barriers for experimental scientists. Large-language models like GPT have limited effectiveness in chemistry because they lack domain-specific knowledge and accurate referencing. To address this, ChemChat, a web application powered by non-GPT/OpenAI LLMs, integrates cheminformatics tools and AI models to assist chemists in various tasks such as molecule investigation, retrosynthesis, data visualization, and literature research. The presentation will showcase ChemChat's capabilities, its architecture, and workflow compared to similar applications.
See full abstract and bio.
Monday, 01.07.2024, 15:00 - 16:30, TU Dresden, Barkhausen Building
Published on Mon, 03 Jun 2024 in NEWS
Triple success for the TU Dresden: The DFG awards millions in funding for Collaborative Research Centers at TUD. One of them is the Collaborative Research Center 1415 "Chemistry of Synthetic Two-Dimensional Materials" which will be granted to start the second funding period.
CRC 1415 is dedicated to the controlled "bottom-up" synthesis and development of novel synthetic two-dimensional materials (2DM) with high structural precision. In view of a multitude of technological developments such as energy applications, electronics and biotechnology, our society is more dependent than ever on advanced materials. Two-dimensional materials are particularly promising in this context due to their properties. In the second funding phase now starting, the scientific focus of CRC 1415 will be on understanding and adapting the functional properties of synthetic 2DM. It will also investigate how these properties develop in 2D heterostructures. The aim is to develop novel synthetic 2D materials that can be used as unique materials of tomorrow for applications in electronics, sensor technology and much more.
Read more … Congratulations: Second funding period for SFB 1415 Chemistry of Synthetic 2D Materials (Prof Xinliang Feng)
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